Tracy Høeg on the Antiscience of School Closures
Our guest is Tracy Høeg, MD, PhD, who has made remarkable research contributions pertaining to SARS-COV2 transmission in schools and to vaccine-related myocarditis. She has published her findings in the CDC’s MMWR and has given oral testimony to Congress. SHOW NOTES Tracy
F.A. Hayek and the Concept of Coercion
[This article is taken from chapter 28 of The Ethics of Liberty.1 Listen to this chapter in MP3, read by Jeff Riggenbach. You can listen and download the entire book here for podcast and download.] In his monumental work The Constitution
Taking Back Our Liberty in 2022
For those of us who value liberty, these past two years have been a bad dream. It seems like we fell asleep in early 2020 and woke up in 1984! They said that if we just put on a mask
Mark Packard On Entrepreneurial Imagination: You Can’t Do Business Without It
Imagination is the first stage of any value generation journey — starting a development project, enhancing the customer experience, embarking on innovation, or building a business for the next year or the next decade. Imagination might sound like a fuzzy
Will Artificial Intelligence Create a Socialist Paradise?
Relating a quip by Soviet economist Nikolai Fedorenko, Yuri Maltsev illustrated the problem with socialism in his foreword to Ludwig von Mises’s Economic Calculation in the Socialist Commonwealth. Fedorenko said, at the time, in Maltsev’s words, “[A] fully balanced, checked,
Anarchist’s Progress
The Majesty of the Law When I was seven years old, playing in front of our house on the outskirts of Brooklyn one morning, a policeman stopped and chatted with me for a few moments. He was a kindly man, of
Inflation or Recession? The Fed Faces a Choice.
On December 15, the Federal Reserve announced numerous quantitative tightening measures that have the intended goal of combating the rising inflation that has been bogging down the American economy. As of November 2021, the rate of inflation has reached 6.8
Japan’s Inflation Is Hidden Behind Central Bank–Financed Subsidies
Whereas inflation rates in the US and Europe have risen steeply in the course of the year 2021, consumer price inflation in Japan stood at 0.1 percent for October 2021 (Figure 1). Also, Japanese producer price inflation of 8 percent
Poland-Belarus Migrant Crisis
As this is being written, there are thousands of migrants stranded at the Poland-Belarus border trying to enter Western Europe but are being denied entry at the border by armed guards. This issue has been ongoing for months now and
The First Economics Lesson
Economics is haunted by more fallacies than any other study known to man. This is no accident. The inherent difficulties of the subject would be great enough in any case, but they are multiplied a thousandfold by a factor that