How Values Lead to Action
1. Ends and Means The result sought by an action is called its end, goal, or aim. One uses these terms in ordinary speech also to signify intermediate ends, goals, or aims; these are points which acting man wants to attain
Ending Fiat Money Won’t Destroy the State
A certain meme has become popular among advocates of both gold and cryptocurrencies. This is the “Fix the money, fix the world” meme. This slogan is based on the idea that by switching to some commodity money—be it crypto or
“The State” Is an Abstract Idea. So How Is the State Also so Murderous?
An abstract state is built on patriotism. And when patriotism becomes "the highest of all virtues and the source of all the remaining ones,” states can get away with almost anything. Original Article: "'The State' Is an Abstract Idea. So How Is
Chile’s New President Threatens the Nation’s Market-Driven Prosperity
With his arrival to the office, Chile’s newly elected president, long-time outside opposition leader Gabriel Boric, has vowed: “If Chile was the cradle of neoliberalism, it will also be its grave.” While the term suffers for want of a clear definition,
First Covid DNA vaccine in India
ZyCoV-D was created by Zydus Cadila, an Ahmedabad-based pharmaceutical company. The world’s first DNA immunisation against Covid-19 has been certified for emergency use by India’s pharma board. The three-dose ZyCoV-D vaccine, according to interim studies published by vaccine maker Cadila
Mises in Wartime
Like many others, Mises anticipated the outbreak of World War I years in advance. Unlike many others, he dreaded it. He was a Lieutenant of the Austro-Hungarian Army and dearly loved his country, but he was no chauvinist and despised the
Turkey’s Economy Is in Big Trouble
Over the years observers of Turkish politics have become somewhat inured to erratic swings in policy coming out of Ankara. Particularly since the political reforms of 2017, his high degree of control over the primary functions of the state mean
Hamilton’s Curse
With the Constitution in place and George Washington made president, Treasury Secretary Alexander Hamilton was empowered to make the new government in his image. Unsurprisingly, a man who celebrated the corruption of the old European order was quick to install
Why Did the World Choose a Gold Standard Instead of a Silver Standard?
Among those who support the end of government fiat money, it’s not uncommon to hear and see claims that gold is “the best money” or “natural money” or the only substance that’s really suited to be commodity money. In many
Are our weekdays productive enough to want a three-day weekend?
The pandemic shook the work-life balance every individual had carefully curated for themselves, it’s true when we believe our happiness depends on balancing the two elements. For a lot of people, the lockdown and work from home was bliss, saving