Review: Understanding Money Mechanics
Understanding Money Mechanicsby Robert P. MurphyMises Institute, 2021, 210 pp. Robert Murphy aims to provide the “intelligent layperson a concise yet comprehensive overview of the theory, history, and practice of money and banking, with a focus on the United States” (p.
PAKISTAN: Land meant for defence purpose is being misused for commercial activities
The Supreme Court of Pakistan has recently come down heavily on its country’s military establishment for misusing its defence properties for commercial activities. The case dates back to 2016, when a shopping mall was built on defence land. The case
The Marxist Myth of the “Treadmill of Production”
In recent years, Marxist theories of environmentalism have plagued online discourse and seeped their way into the public policy realm. Politicians then utilize these theories when formulating new legislation. While sometimes intimidating, these theories suffer significant flaws. Eco-Marxist theory, such as
Missed it by That Much: Where the Fed’s Digital Currency Proposal Goes Wrong
The Fed's long-awaited report on central bank digital currencies is finally out. Although the report makes it clear that the Fed has no immediate plans to issue a digital currency, it does point to the approach the Fed would be
David Frith: The man who penned, kept and ate words
Penning words is fine. Keeping them also makes sense. Until and unless used as an idiom, eating words makes sense as well, but what if it is not used here as one? — Let’s find out! Well, if you’re a Bollywood
Astroworld Disaster – A Blood Bath
On November 5, 2021, the live performance Astroworld 2021 started with huge groups in participation. The third year for the celebration was publicized to “Wake You Up to a Whole New Universe”, yet the preventable misfortune that struck opened concert
It’s Time to Break Up New York State
Neil Sedaka said it best – “breaking up is hard to do”. Ask any 16-year-old and they’ll tell you that’s certainly true, but Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) recently made headlines when she suggested not just a breakup, but a
Will Europe’s Politicians Ever Get their Coveted Universal Vaccination?
Several countries have introduced mandatory “health passes” and made Covid-19 vaccination compulsory since last summer. The vaccination mandates represent a massive infringement of human rights and their medical justification has dwindled over time. Yet, governments are doubling down on their
The Task Confronting Libertarians
From time to time over the last 30 years, after I have talked or written about some new restriction on human liberty in the economic field, some new attack on private enterprise, I have been asked in person or received
Milton Friedman Unraveled
Volume 16, Number 4 (2002) Mention “free-market economics” to a member of the lay public and chances are that if he has heard the term at all, he identifies it completely with the name Milton Friedman. For several years, Professor Friedman