Eileen Gu, Jingoism, and Olympic Politics
“I do corks in an icy, 22-foot, U-shaped snow structure. That’s not political. It’s pushing the human limit and it’s connecting people.” ~ Eileen Gu, winner of three Olympic medals Into the chasm that is U.S.-China relations burst a force of nature,
Canada’s Freezing of Protesters’ Finances Shows How the “War on Cash” Ends.
The Canadian government is now freezing the bank accounts and personal assets of those who donated to support the Freedom Convoy, which is an organized political protest of the vaccine mandates. The deputy prime minister announced that they will retain these
Cancel the Mandates, Leave the Workers Alone
President Joe Biden recently extended the US national emergency for covid-19. A confrontation between truckers protesting Canadian covid mandates and the government in Ottawa has turned ugly. The debate over covid mandates has turned toward authoritarian tactics rather than the merits
Why Rothbard Stayed Away from Berlin
This year is the fortieth anniversary of Murray Rothbard’s The Ethics of Liberty, and although many topics in it have attracted attention, several of them have been neglected. I’m going to discuss one of these in this week’s article. Isaiah
Western Foreign Policy Elites Still Don’t Get Russia
With Russia launching a military invasion of Ukraine on February 24, 2022, the corporate press has grown shrill in its calls for punishing Russia with draconian sanctions, supplying Ukraine with increased military aid, and diplomatically isolating the Eurasian power as
The Ethics and Economics of Private Property
I. The Problem of Social Order Alone on his island, Robinson Crusoe can do whatever he pleases. For him, the question concerning rules of orderly human conduct—social cooperation—simply does not arise. Naturally, this question can only arise once a second person,
Russia and China Aren’t the Natural Allies Many Assume them to Be
In the wake of mounting tensions between the US and Russia over Ukraine, one now finds countless media stories on the "China-Russia axis" and the "bond between Russia and China." The ideological benefit of connecting Russia to China is undoubtedly clear
US Foreign Policy Has Always Been Aggressive
With so much having been made in the past decade of China’s behavior in its immediate neighborhood—from jousting with Japan over the Senkaku/Diaoyu Islands to building up and occupying the Spratly Islands, from harassing Filipino fishermen to engaging in actual
Norm Singleton and an Inside Look at the Ron Paul Revolution
On this episode of Radio Rothbard, Tho Bishop interviews Norm Singleton, senior fellow of the Market Institute and former legislative director for Congressman Ron Paul. Tho and Norm discuss the experience of being an Austro-libertarian within the belly of DC, the challenges
Hitler’s Views on Private Property and Nationalization
The answer to the question of Adolf Hitler’s position on private ownership and nationalization appears to be fairly simple. It is generally accepted that Hitler recognized private ownership of the means of production and rejected nationalization. To leave it at