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March 2022

  /  2022 (Page 172)

1. The Futility of Price Control Under socialism production is entirely directed by the orders of the central board of production management. The whole nation is an "industrial army" (a term used by Karl Marx in the Communist Manifesto) and each

Events in Ukraine are happening very fast, and if I tried to predict what will happen there, my prediction would soon be overtaken by events. But one thing is certain. We need to understand the background of the crisis, and

With its recent crackdown on protesting truck drivers, Canada’s government has shown that it is an enemy of liberty, and there is little hope under the current government that we shall ever see a return of any of the libertarian principles that

Adapted from The Skyscraper Curse: And How Austrian Economists Predicted Every Major Economic Crisis of the Last Century. During the 1980s Japan was feared as an economic and technological powerhouse. Most observers attributed their stock market bubble and high growth rates