The Triumphant Foreign Policy of Warren G. Harding
"I find a hundred thousand sorrows touching my heart, and there is a ringing in my ears, like an admonition eternal, an insistent call, ‘It must not be again! It must not be again!'" said a tearful President Warren G.
Connie Whitman: Turning Experience Into An Intellectual Property Business
Your individual experience is a business asset. Life is teaching us more than we sometimes realize. An insightful analysis of what we’ve experienced, combined with purposeful translation, can generate unique intellectual property on which to base a unique approach to
Socialist Economies Are Impossible: Lessons from Russia, 1917–22
Socialization of the economy led to immediate disaster. In 1920–21, Bolshevik agrarian policy culminated in a famine with an impact unparalleled in modern European history. Original Article: "Socialist Economies Are Impossible: Lessons from Russia, 1917–22" This Audio Mises Wire is generously sponsored
The War Party Wants a New Cold War, and the Money That Comes with It
The new cold warriors are gaslighting the public on military spending, claiming spending isn't "keeping up." They want hundreds of billions in new taxpayer dollars. Original Article: "The War Party Wants a New Cold War, and the Money That Comes with
There Is No Winner In this Trade War
While the US had already been reversing course on trade liberalization for a decade prior, the election of Donald Trump brought with it a programmatic protectionist approach. As President, Joe Biden has largely followed Trump’s lead, with polls showing broad support among
Economic Calculation
The preeminence of the capitalist system consists in the fact that it is the only system of social cooperation and division of labor which makes it possible to apply a method of reckoning and computation in planning new projects and
This Is How the Progressives Will Write the History of Covid
Progressives will write the history of covid to hide the mistakes of progressive "experts" and to distance themselves from disastrous or pointless policies. They've done it before. Original Article: "This Is How the Progressives Will Write the History of Covid" This Audio
The Virtue of Neutrality: Resist Pressure to Choose Sides in the Ukraine-Russia Crisis
Nonintervention is more than just a good US foreign policy prescription. When it comes to the Russia-Ukraine War, American neutrality is patriotic. Resistance to the narrative pushers is essential for the formation of authentic community and freedom. The way the media
Anthony Fauci: Master of Medical Crony Capitalism
More than critiquing vaccines, this book exposes Anthony Fauci’s career as a case study in crony capitalism. The key players are the government regulatory agencies headed by Fauci. Original Article: "Anthony Fauci: Master of Medical Crony Capitalism" This Audio Mises Wire is
The Cognitive Bias behind Anti–Price Gouging Laws
People often believe that price gouging is so obviously immoral that making it illegal is the equivalent of criminalizing theft. In their minds, sellers who drastically hike their prices after a supply or demand shock are simply cruel capitalists taking