Inflation: Who or What Is the Culprit?
A central bank whose policies accommodate irresponsible deficit spending by the federal government is a menace to society, unleashing uncontrollable forces. Original Article: "Inflation: Who or What Is the Culprit?" This Audio Mises Wire is generously sponsored by Christopher Condon.
Understanding How Balance of Payments and Exchange Rates Work
Most economic commentators believe balance of trade is a key factor in a currency’s exchange rate. All other things being equal, an increase in imports, which leads to a trade deficit, gives rise to an increase in the demand for
Russia Isn’t Nearly as Isolated as Washington Wants You to Believe
Some US policymakers and pundits are declaring that Russia—and its population—are cut off from the rest of the world. For example, political scientist Nina Khrushcheva has declared "Russia is hated by the rest of the world," and that "Russia is the global enemy."
Canceling American Athletes to Punish Russia: The 1980 Moscow Olympics Boycott
As Russian troops, missiles, and tanks strike farther into Ukraine, American political elites and their allies are doing what they do best: punishing innocent people for the sins of others. Russian musicians, athletes, artists, and writers are finding they are
Why Hitler Was a Man of the Left
Was Hitler really “right wing”? The German-British publicist Sebastian Haffner, who wrote one of the most notable essays on Adolf Hitler, has pointed out that the only opposition which could really have become dangerous for Hitler came from the Right:
The Covid Panic Brought Even More Economic Zombification
Zombie companies, which were already a problem in 2019, have not only not been killed off but have multiplied. The zombie apocalypse could be closer than we imagine. Original Article: "The Covid Panic Brought Even More Economic Zombification" This Audio Mises Wire
The New Deal and Recovery, Part 15: The Keynesian Myth
(The first of an essay in 3 installments.) In The Money Makers, his 2015 book on the New Deal and its aftermath, Eric Rauchway says that FDR "conducted an active monetary and fiscal program of recovery…working along lines suggested by Keynes."
Should Government Be Your Stockbroker? Maybe So, Says Bloomberg
Bloomberg suggests that individuals should not be permitted to make their own stock selections because they are not "qualified" to make such decisions. Instead, governments should help direct their investment choices. Original Article: "Should Government Be Your Stockbroker? Maybe So, Says
The Progressives’ Liberal Democracy Has Failed. Radical Decentralization Is the Answer.
So-called liberal democracies have characterized the West for the past century and are viewed as the pinnacle of political development. So much so that Western elites are firmly convinced that this system of governance should be spread far and wide—be
Why Die for Biden?
As you would expect from brain-dead Biden and the people controlling him, American policy has been moving in the wrong direction. Whatever you think about the situation in the Ukraine, one thing is obvious. It’s a crisis. Shouldn’t we try