It Didn’t Begin with FDR: Currency Devaluation in the Roman Empire
The phenomenon of currency devaluation and its consequences is a process that not only occurred in modern times, but has much deeper roots, going back to antiquity. With the collapse of the Roman Republic, Caesar's grandnephew Gaius Octavianus, renamed Augustus, rose
There Is No Winner in This Trade War
Trade war means increasing the debt, eroding the public confidence, raising prices, and burdening the economy with interventions. All of it done in the name of the "public good." Original Article: "There Is No Winner in This Trade War" This Audio Mises
How Agriculture Bureaucrats Are Manipulating Food Prices—and Our Diets
With inflation at a forty-year high, it is the topic on everyone’s mind. US core inflation has reached 7.5 percent year over year, and the prices of certain goods, such as used cars and steak, are up as much as
We Must Now Learn the Lesson of 1914, not the Lesson of 1938.
With proponents of military intervention and war, it's always 1938, and every attempt to substitute diplomacy for escalation and war is "appeasement." Last week, for example, Ukrainian legislator Lesia Vasylenko accused Western leaders of appeasement over Moscow's invasion of Ukraine, stating "“This is
Real Scientific Inquiry Requires Dissent. But That’s Not What the CDC and JAMA Want.
Mendacity is worse than dishonesty. According to one essay on mendacity, “Mendacity connotes a mixture of dishonesty, hypocrisy and audacity.” Mendacity is an important theme of the play Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, by Tennessee Williams. “What’s that smell
Governments “Sanction” Their Own Citizens Every Day. The Russia Sanctions Are Just a Natural Evolution.
Russian president Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine in the last week of February 2022 was the culmination of decades of transnational statist expansion. The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), which managers of the postwar Washington-centered imperium set up to counter Communist
Nixonian Socialism
[This important essay was published in the Libertarian Forum (1969–1984), the entire archives of which are now online at the Mises Institute. It appeared in the January 1971 issue, before Nixon’s price and wage controls and many other interventions over
Economic Ignorance
Jeff and Bob Murphy talk about the state of gross economic ignorance in America today. Lessons for The Young Economist: Understanding Money Mechanics:
Stones into Bread: The Keynesian Miracle
The stock-in-trade of all Socialist authors is the idea that there is potential plenty and that the substitution of socialism for capitalism would make it possible to give to everybody “according to his needs.” Other authors want to bring about