Patents, Legal Monopolies, and the High Prices for Drugs
While government officials and politicians denounce high drug prices, they have created monopoly privileges for drug firms, thus ensuring higher-than-competitive prices for pharmaceuticals. Original Article: "Patents, Legal Monopolies, and the High Prices for Drugs" This Audio Mises Wire is generously sponsored by
Markets and Private Property, Not Government, Protect the Environment
Each century presents its unique set of problems for lovers of freedom, peace, and prosperity. While the great vanguards of liberty in the twentieth century dealt with the looming shadow of centralization and were engaged in a battle against socialists and statists
Joe Matarese: Medical Tyranny and Its Entrepreneurial Solutions (Part 1, The Problem)
Medical care in the US exemplifies how the perverse effects of accumulated, self-reinforcing economic errors can render a system dysfunctional for consumers. As CEO of Medicus Healthcare Solutions, Joe Matarese has seen the current system from the inside — working
Why Sanctions Don’t Work, and Why They Mostly Hurt Ordinary People
Sanctions remain popular because they placate the voters who insist "we" must "do something," and government officials are more than happy to accept this invitation to grow state power. Original Article: "Why Sanctions Don't Work, and Why They Mostly Hurt Ordinary
The New Deal and Recovery, Part 17: The Keynesian Myth, Concluded
(Previous installments of "The Keynesian Myth" are here and here.) Balancing Act As Richard Adelstein (1991, p. 177) observes, far from taking Keynes's advice that he ratchet-up the federal government's deficit spending, "Roosevelt held fast to the ideal of a balanced budget
The Progressives’ Liberal Democracy Has Failed. Radical Decentralization Is the Answer.
In many ways, the liberal democracy that had its roots in nineteenth-century liberalism seems to have run its course. Can we revive it, or does something more authoritarian take its place? Original Article: "The Progressives' Liberal Democracy Has Failed. Radical Decentralization
Dr. Thomas Szasz’s Campaign against Psychiatric Coercion and the “Therapeutic State”
During the Cold War, people were shocked to see the Soviet Union lock up dissidents in state mental institutions because being against socialism was “proof of mental illness.” Soviet psychiatrists were condemned for violating the Hippocratic oath, with one of
The Triumphant Foreign Policy of Warren G. Harding
President Harding wanted to see the end of war and a return to a more traditional American foreign policy. Original Article: "The Triumphant Foreign Policy of Warren G. Harding" This Audio Mises Wire is generously sponsored by Christopher Condon.
The Illusions of Hedonics
The term “hedonics” is derived from ancient Greek and basically means “pleasure doctrine”. It is also the doctrine which the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) applies when calculating the price indices and for the computation of the real gross domestic
Ukraine’s Regime Is Now Kidnapping Fathers for Military “Service”
The Ukrainian regime thinks it knows better than husbands and fathers when it comes to caring for their families. But no bureaucrat ought to be allowed to make such a decision. Original Article: "Ukraine's Regime Is Now Kidnapping Fathers for Military