Message from Lew Rockwell: Forty Years Ago
Forty years ago, I was worried. I was working at a free-market think tank at a major university, and I could see that Austrian economics was becoming less and less influential. Who would speak for untrammeled freedom and capitalism? Sound money
Facing Unpleasant Facts: What You aren’t Supposed to say about the War in Ukraine
A funny thing has happened on the way to accepting the standard ruling-class narrative on the war in Ukraine: inconvenient and unpleasant facts about the region and its recent history. Original Article: "Facing Unpleasant Facts: What You aren’t Supposed to say
No, More Bureaucracy Would NOT Have Saved Trump’s Paycheck Protection Program
The Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) put in place under Donald Trump and extended by Joe Biden is a prime example of government wastefulness. A recent working paper by the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER), "The $800 Billion Paycheck Protection Program: Where
Behind Klaus Schwab, the World Economic Forum, and the Great Reset: Part 4
Bob continues his series, this time focusing on the creepy worldview of WEF speaker Yuval Harari, and further reviews Schwab’s book on Covid-19 and the Great Reset. Mentioned in the Episode and Other Links of Interest: Part 1 and Part 2, and
The Return of the Austrians
[This article is a selection from The Skyscraper Curse: And How Austrian Economists Predicted Every Major Economic Crisis of the Last Century.] The 1960s and 70s were precarious times for the Austrian school. Ludwig von Mises was very old, retired, and
The West’s Russia Sanctions Show Why States Want to Weaponize the Financial System
States continue to seek new ways to make the financial system an “economic chokepoint” enabling the state to crack down on specific organizations, individuals, or activities. Original Article: "The West's Russia Sanctions Show Why States Want to Weaponize the Financial System" This
Russia Isn’t Nearly as Isolated as Washington Wants You to Believe
Those gloating about Russia being "cut off" are overstating the case. In fact, many of the world's largest countries have shown a reluctance to participate in the US's sanction schemes, and even close US allies aren't going along with it. Original
Ukraine’s Regime Is Now Kidnapping Fathers for Military “Service”
As the Ukraine regime has imposed martial law in the wake of the Russia invasion, it has also apparently imposed a new near-universal conscription order. USA Today reports: The Ukraine State Border Guard Service has announced that men ages 18 to 60 are
A Review of Nik Bhatia’s Layered Money: From Gold and Dollars to Bitcoin and Central Bank Digital Currencies
For understanding our modern monetary troubles, Nik Bhatia’s pamphlet-sized book from last year hits exactly the right intersection between money and banking, between the past and the future. Clocking in at around 150 pages of easy prose, it’s accessible but
The Persistent Problem of Objective Value
Recorded at the 2022 Austrian Economics Research Conference hosted at the Mises Institute in Auburn, Alabama, March 18–19, 2022. The Lou Church Memorial Lecture, sponsored by The Lou Church Foundation. Includes audience question and answer period. The Austrian Economics Research Conference is