Left Thought Collective: One Hundred Years of the Socialist Commonwealth
Recorded at the 2022 Austrian Economics Research Conference hosted at the Mises Institute in Auburn, Alabama, March 18–19, 2022. The Ludwig von Mises Memorial Lecture, sponsored by Dr. Don Printz. Includes audience question and answer period. The Austrian Economics Research Conference is
NATO: Our International Welfare Queens
American policy makers have shown a surprising about of sanity so far in response to Russia's invasion of Ukraine. While some war enthusiasts among the American punditry have certainly been agitating for World War III, the leadership in both the
Clarence Darrow vs. the State
Describing attorney Clarence Darrow, the great H.L. Mencken wrote, “The marks of battle are all over his face. He has been through more wars than a whole regiment of Pershings. And most of them have been struggles to the death,
Markets Are Peaceful but the State Is Not
There are only two ways human cooperation occurs: through voluntary means or through coercion. The free market stands for voluntary cooperation; coercion and violence are the means of the state. Original Article: "Markets Are Peaceful but the State Is Not" This Audio
Will Biden Sanction Half the World to Isolate Russia?
The United States is no longer in any position to remake the world in its image. It's not 1945 or even 1970. Yet the US seems to be gearing up to bully half the world into compliance with the US
European Environmentalists Have Made Energy Independence Impossible
Europe is not going to achieve a competitive energy transition with the current interventionist policies. Europe does not depend on Russian gas due to a coincidence, but because of a chain of mistaken policies: banning nuclear in Germany, prohibiting the development of
Rothbard on Today’s Progressive War Jingoism
Readers of Murray Rothbard's articles and speeches on war collectivism will immediately recognize the progressive pietist fervor surrounding today's progressive war jingoism: everywhere is Ukraine! The atavistic need to analogize today's situation to 1938, with Vladimir Putin as Adolf Hitler
Why Saudi Arabia Won’t Abandon Dollars for Yuan
There are numerous articles mentioning that Saudi Arabia may use the yuan, China's domestic currency, for its oil exports. How much does Saudi Arabia export to China? According to the Organisation of Economic Co-operation and Development, the kingdom's main exports are to
Joe Matarese: Entrepreneurial Solutions To Medical Tyranny (Part Two)
The medical care industry is so restrictive of individual freedoms — those of both of doctors and patients — that we can legitimately classify it as tyrannical. As is always the case, the solution will come from entrepreneurship, the creative
Egypt Is Still Haunted By Its Ghosts of Socialism
It has been more than fifty years since Egyptian strongman Gamal Abdel Nasser died, but his unfortunate legacy of imposing socialism on Egypt still harms the nation and its economy. Original Article: "Egypt Is Still Haunted By Its Ghosts of Socialism" This