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  /  Top News   /  Last Day to Double Your Gift!

Last Day to Double Your Gift!

The Mises Institute sends a big THANK YOU to everyone who already donated to our Fall Campaign this week. Your support helps us continue to make the sound economic principles of Mises, Hayek, Hazlitt, Hoppe, and Rothbard free to the world at a time when they are needed more than ever.

If you haven’t had time to donate, please do so today. Hunter Lewis, a generous donor and author of numerous books, is passionate about educating a future generation of students and has generously offered to match your gift until the end of the day. So double your impact by making your most generous gift today.

Any amount—even $5—helps. And just a $5 monthly gift entitles you to all the benefits of a Friend of the Institute in 2022. is one of the most popular economics resources in the world. Generous individuals who support our mission make it possible to offer thousands of books, articles, and videos absolutely free to the public. And this work is bearing fruit all over the world, with Mises and Rothbard being translated and read in many languages. We’re here to spread the right ideas as far and wide as possible, without paywalls. That’s why we need your help.

We rely entirely on passionate people like you, who want a better future. Won’t you donate and make our Fall Campaign a success? Today is the final day—please make your most generous gift. Every donor will receive How Inflation Destroys Civilization, by Guido Hülsmann.

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