They’ll Use the Welfare State to Get Compliance on Vaccine Mandates
Regulatory powers have enabled government agencies to push vaccine mandates in new ways. But the welfare state also offers many ways to "encourage" compliance from nearly everyone. Original Article: "They'll Use the Welfare State to Get Compliance on Vaccine Mandates" This Audio
The Humanity of Trade
Wherever two boys swap tops for marbles, that is the marketplace. The simple barter, in terms of human happiness, is no different from a trade transaction involving banking operations, insurance, ships, railroads, wholesale and retail establishments; for in any case
Biden’s War against Fossil Fuels Is a War against Ordinary People
A few months ago, I wrote about President Biden’s anti–fossil fuel policies. Among other steps designed to restrict domestic production of oil and natural gas, the president canceled completion of the Keystone XL pipeline, banned drilling for oil in the Arctic
The Real Reason Politicians Want Legal Cannabis Is Tax Money
The latest two states to legalize recreational cannabis are New York and New Jersey. However, if one believes governors and legislators in those states have finally adopted a more libertarian view of the topic, one will be severely disappointed. Legalization
The Unsung Heroine of India- Saraswathy Rajamani
Living in the 21st century, we have witnessed so many powerful women achieving success at any point in their lives. But still, we somehow fail to acknowledge their effort and perseverance. There have been so many strong women who have
The Ethics of Bribery
As in the case of blackmail, bribery has received a uniformly bad press, and it is generally assumed that bribery should be outlawed. But is this necessarily true? Let us examine a typical bribe contract. Suppose that Black wants to sell
Cryptocurrency- An asset in search of a use
It wasn’t a Forbes article that claimed: “whichever country integrates the blockchain technology into its system, will be riding the wave of the fourth industrial revolution.” However, the growing popularity of cryptocurrency in emerging economies of El Salvador, Vietnam, Ukraine,
Rousseau, Guevara, Marx and More: The Moral and Intellectual Bankruptcy of the Left
A brief look at the lives of Rousseau, Marx, Guevara, Brecht, and Sartre suggests that many of the Left's most celebrated heroes built their philosophies on a foundation of the most repugnant narcissism, violence, and inhumanity. Introduction In editing David Hume’s 1766
A Strategy to Promote Sound Money: Decentralize the State
For more than a century, an inflationary monetary policy has plagued the United States. Most recently, price inflation has become the most obvious consequence of the Federal Reserve’s actions to the public. Other effects, while less visible, have been no
Christmas and the Desacralization of the State
In about the year 9 BC, a group of Greco-Romans in Asia Minor issued a proclamation—now known from the Priene Calendar Inscription—commemorating the birth of the Roman emperor Caesar Augustus. The text of the inscription declared the coming of the "savior" Caesar