Bitcoin, Gold, and the Rush to National Digital Currencies
Bitcoin as a money is just very unremarkable. Yet this digital coin is well on its way to becoming one of financial history’s great epic stories. Its promotors just hit lucky in finding themselves in the midst of a monetary
Dr. Philipp Bagus on the Political Economy of Mass Hysteria
Normally we discuss books on The Human Action Podcast, but this new academic paper by Professor Philipp Bagus is too important to ignore. "COVID-19 and the Political Economy of Mass Hysteria" is the one journal article you need to read
Minimum Wage, Maximum Discrimination
Since the days of Adam Smith, economists have sought a set of social institutions which permit “neither dominion, nor discrimination,” to use Nobel Prize–winning economist James Buchanan’s phrase. In this, economists are joined by all people of goodwill—including those in the Biden administration, which has
American Households Made Economic Gains before Covid, but This Progress Can Be Lost
Before 2020, there were growing signs of increasing economic prosperity for a wide variety of income groups in America. Whether or not this prosperity survives covid lockdowns and ever higher levels of government regulations remains to be seen. But in spite of increasingly
Hormetics: A Principle of Health and Fitness, with Charlie Deist
Our guest is Charlie Deist, author of Hormetics: Physical Fitness for Free People. We have an engaging and somewhat philosophical conversation on principles of health. How do we identify good nutritional and exercise habits? Amongst the myriad of fads, what
Some Coloradoans Want to Break Off and Join Wyoming. They Should at Least Get to Vote On It.
A state's borders should change over time to reflect demographic and ideological realities. By denying this, political leaders are effectively saying that the rights of minority populations don't matter. Original Article: "Some Coloradoans Want to Break Off and Join Wyoming. They
The Dangers Lurking behind a Digital Euro
Neosocialist China does it, Sweden does it, and many other states want to do it, too: to issue digitized central bank money for everyone. The European Central Bank (ECB) is also working on such a scheme. It wants to launch
Patriotism and regionalism have arisen as the fundamental subjects of Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and Trinamool Congress’ (TMC) fight in front of the West Bengal state to get together in a political race one year from now. While BJP is
Japan’s Well-Fed Zombie Corporations
The corona crisis has intensified the discussion about the zombification of the economy; enterprises have become more dependent on government bailouts, loans, subsidies, short-time working benefits, and loans from central banks. Governments around the world claim the measures to be
Property Rights and the Pollution Problem
Murray Rothbard and other libertarians support self-ownership. Part of being a self-owner is that no one may physically harm your body without your consent, unless you first violate someone else’s rights. David Friedman raised a famous objection to this principle,