Covid on rise, is the Vaccination process right?
No doubt 2020 was quite a hectic and astonishing year for all of us, a lot happened but 2021 seems quite promising. Just 2 months into the year and we have a vaccine ready for dosage. India’s drug regulators have
MMT Is Fake Economics
In this era of monetary fiction, one tends to read all types of undocumented and misguided views on monetary policy. However, if there is one that really is infuriating is the MMT (modern monetary theory) science fiction. One of its main principles
Moral Courage and the Austrian School
When economic crises hit, most pundits and intellectuals never see it coming. That is because they have never learned the lesson that Bastiat sought to teach, namely that we need to look beneath the surface, to the unseen dimensions of
Ron Paul and our Big, Fat Fed
Regular readers of Alt-M don't need to be told that yours truly is no fan of the Fed's gigantic credit footprint. Even before the recent crisis, he lamented both the extent to which the Fed had switched from regulating this
Commercial Real Estate: Too Much Debt, Not Enough Assets
It’s hard to crack the headlines of the financial pages, what with GameStop, bitcoin, Tesla, and squeezes of one sort or another. There is a squeeze in commercial real estate that won’t shock anyone, or shouldn’t. That squeeze is tenants
Accad ❤ Koka
Dr. Accad interviews Dr. Koka regarding his latest article entitled “Correlative Adventures with COVID” SHOW NOTES Anish Koka: “Correlative Adventures with COVID“Anish Koka: “In Defense of Small Data“Anish Koka: “The Price of Progress“Michel Accad: “The Devolution of Evidence-Based Medicine“Michel Accad: “Why N-of-1
The New New Deal Has Already Arrived. Thank the Covid Panic.
We’ve entered a new era of politics and government in America, and the Left is pretty happy about it. This week, for example, The Guardian announced “Biden's $1.9tn Covid relief bill marks an end to four decades of Reaganism.” From this
Class Harmony, Not Class War
The discontent and unrest that followed the 2020 presidential election was, at least in major part, one of the innumerable destructive consequences of an almost 250-year-old error in economic theory made by Adam Smith: namely, the belief that profits are
How the Fed’s Inflation Is Driving Stock Buybacks
Senator Elizabeth Warren appeared on CNBC last week, sparring with hosts Becky Quick and Joe Kernan over stock buybacks. Both sides here either forget about, miss, or fail to prioritize the key behavioral incentives that drive this activity. It is true that