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March 2021

  /  2021 (Page 132)

In this era of monetary fiction, one tends to read all types of undocumented and misguided views on monetary policy. However, if there is one that really is infuriating is the MMT (modern monetary theory) science fiction. One of its main principles

Dr. Accad interviews Dr. Koka regarding his latest article entitled “Correlative Adventures with COVID” SHOW NOTES​ Anish Koka: “Correlative Adventures with COVID“Anish Koka: “In Defense of Small Data“Anish Koka: “The Price of Progress“Michel Accad: “The Devolution of Evidence-Based Medicine“Michel Accad: “Why N-of-1

The discontent and unrest that followed the 2020 presidential election was, at least in major part, one of the innumerable destructive consequences of an almost 250-year-old error in economic theory made by Adam Smith: namely, the belief that profits are