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  /  Top News   /  Garet Garrett’s “The Revolution Was”

Garet Garrett’s “The Revolution Was”

Garet Garrett was among the most important figures from the literary, political, and laissez-faire economic traditions of the Old Right, but his name is hardly known today. In 1938 he penned “The Revolution Was,” a remarkable essay about FDR’s revolutionary New Deal and, more importantly, how it was accomplished. FDR’s revolution had already happened, though few Americans  understood it or grasped what the triumph of an administrative state would mean. The New Deal was a revolution “with the form,” because the old trappings of constitutionalism and separation of powers remained intact. What had changed was the substance of American government, engineered through skillful propaganda and marked by radically increased control over the nation’s capital and businesses. This essay is entirely relevant to our current politics, and explains with tremendous clarity the the ongoing revolution happening under our noses today. Ryan McMaken joins Jeff Deist for a deep exploration of the essay and its lessons for us today. 

You owe it to yourself to read this masterpiece.

Read Garet Garrett’s prescient essay:

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