The Battle over the Free Market
Samuelson Friedman: The Battle over the Free MarketBy Nicholas WapshottNorton, 2021367 pages Nicholas Wapshott is a British journalist and biographer with a strong interest in economic theory. He says that the Nobel laureate Edmund Phelps is his mentor. One theme in
Why Business Owners Can’t Just “Pass on” Tax Costs to Consumers
White House press secretary Jen Psaki claimed in a recent press briefing in response to Biden’s intent to raise taxes on large companies that “[t]here are some who argue that, in the past, companies have passed on these costs to
The Sovietization of America
Yuri Nicholas Maltsev is an Austrian school economist and economic historian from Tatarstan. He earned his BA and MA degrees from Moscow State University and PhD in labor economics at the Institute of Labor Research in Moscow. Before defecting to
“Deficit Financing” and Inflation
I assume that you know how the banking system developed and how the banks could improve the services rendered by gold, by transferring assets from one individual to another individual in the books of the banks. When you study the
Why Interventionist Economists Love to Talk about Externalities
“Happy families are all alike,” goes the Leo Tolstoy quote from the Russian classic Anna Karenina, “but every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.” The same can be said about government-focused technocrats and their central planning tendencies: all happy
1789: The First Thing the New American Government Did Was Impose a Huge Tax Increase
It may come as a surprise—though it should not—that one of the very first acts of the new Congress, under the Constitution, was a tax program at least as great as the one imposed on the colonies by Great Britain.
Digitalization Could Move Medical Care Beyond “Government Healthcare”
The reductive and lazy dismissals of the possibility of bringing about free-market systems of healthcare, in addition to the administrative and legislative hurdles imposed by government agencies, have all been brought into the limelight in the wake of the pandemic.
Bibliography of North American Reservoir Recreation Non-market Valuation Studies
Burt, Oscar R., and Durward Brewer. "Estimation of net social benefits from outdoor recreation." Econometrica: Journal of the Econometric Society (1971): 813-827. Cameron, Trudy A., W. Douglass Shaw, Shannon E. Ragland, J. Mac Callaway, and Sally Keefe. "Using actual and contingent
What Economics Is Not
The most common misunderstanding about economics is that it is only about money and commerce. The next step is easy: I care about more than money, and so should everyone, so let's leave economics to stock jobbers and money managers
Proponents of Forced Vaccines Want You to Think Healthcare Is a Communal Resource
One narrative currently being circulated in support of vaccine mandates is that unvaccinated people will cause an undue strain on the healthcare system because they are more likely to contract covid-19 and take up hospital beds that could be used