The Institute Is 100 Percent Privately, Voluntarily Funded. Will You Contribute to Our Effort?
The best people in the world support the Mises Institute. Will you join them? Your gift will be matched today. Who are our donors? People just like you. Average people who happen to care deeply about human liberty and human flourishing. People
Can a Libertarian Work at a Public University?
A correspondent sent me an argument I hadn’t heard before that concludes that it’s not morally permissible for libertarians to work for public universities, and in this week’s column, I’d like to examine that argument. To telegraph where I’m going,
Rothbard’s History of Economic Thought from Greeks to Physiocrats
Was Adam Smith the founder of modern economics? Not so, says Murray Rothbard in his staggering two-volume An Austrian Perspective on the History of Economic Thought. Dr. Patrick Newman joins the show for a look at Rothbard's treatment of economics
Central Banking and Climate Change
There is increasing pressure on central banks to take climate change into account in formulating monetary policy. The Bank of England and the European Central Bank have already done so, and the Fed may follow suit. Indeed, the Fed’s move
The US Prison population explosion!
“The US has the largest prison population in the world. The country with one-twentieth of the world’s population has one-fourth of it in jail.”
The Debt Ceiling: An Affectionate History
Remember the movie Groundhog Day? The protagonist, played by Bill Murray, is stuck in a cycle where he relives the same day, February 2, every time he awakens in the small town of Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania. The same events happen throughout