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They come from all walks of life. Some give $20, some give more. But they are all people like you, people who understand the threat statism poses to our world.
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The Mises Institute is unique. We attack the state, the political class, and their crony clients—without exception and without apology. We “punch above our weight,” as one Forbes writer puts it. We win new hearts and minds, year after year. We reach more people than some DC organizations with ten times our budget.
When someone is exposed to the ideas of Mises, Rothbard, and the Austrian school, there is no looking at the world the same way again.
We are the alternative to today’s universities, which Mises called “nurseries of socialism.” We teach people of all ages, from all walks of life, from all across the world. Mises.org reaches nearly 5 million people, far more than most economics sites. Our summer university and fellowships help launch people like Peter Klein, Tom Woods, Patrick Newman, and Bob Murphy. Our publications reach hundreds of thousands. Our conferences spread across the country.
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