Biden’s Vaccine Mandates: It’s about Power
The Biden administration on Thursday announced sweeping new mandates. The new mandates require that all employers with more than one hundred workers require workers to be vaccinated or to test for the virus weekly. The mandates also require covid vaccinations for
A Legacy of Corruption in the FDA and Big Pharma
Our healthcare system is broken, a fact nobody would have disputed in precovid days. Regulatory capture is a reality, and the pharmaceutical industry is fraught with examples. Yet we trusted private-public partnerships to find an optimal solution to a global
9/11 Was a Day of Unforgivable Government Failure
Perhaps more than anything else, the rationale given for the necessity of the state—and the necessity of supporting the regime at any given time—is that it "keeps us safe." This permeates thinking about government institutions at all levels, from “thin blue
Slippery Slope Arguments and Tyranny
In my article last week, I talked about Michael Huemer’s notion of “false fallacies.” These are often listed in logic books as bad arguments, but some of them, Huemer suggests, are actually good arguments, at least if suitably modified. This week,
Murray Sabrin’s New Book on Escaping Medical Fascism
On the heels of Biden's vaccine mandate announcement, Dr. Murray Sabrin joins the show to discuss his new book on escaping the state's medical fascism. Universal Medical Care from Conception to End of Life lays out the sobering reality of
China Isn’t About to Become a Superpower
China faces a wide variety of demographic, geopolitical, and economic limits on the regime's power. And, socialism and Keynesianism don't work any better in China than in the USA. Moreover, contrary to the myth, China is not run by politicians
The Water “Shortage”
As everyone knows, the West, and especially northern California, has been suffering from a year-long drought, leading numerous statists and busybodies to leap in to control, ration, and ordain. The water “shortage” may not be exactly blamed on the private
The Illusions of Inflation Targeting, with an Application to Ukraine
Abstract: This article reviews the analytical justification, the theoretical content, and the practical experience of inflation targeting, which has become the standard framework for monetary policy. It shows that due to the inflation-targeting literature’s neglect for the money demand as
Radical Uncertainty: Decision-Making Beyond the Numbers
Radical Uncertainty: Decision-Making Beyond the NumbersJohn Kay and Mervyn KingNew York: Norton, 2020, xvi + 528 pp. David Gordon ( is a senior fellow at the Mises Institute and editor of the Journal of Libertarian Studies. Kay and King are not Austrians,
The Essential Austrian Economics
The Essential Austrian EconomicsChristopher J. Coyne and Peter J. BoettkeVancouver: Fraser Institute, 2020, 68 pp. David Gordon ( is a senior fellow at the Mises Institute and editor of the Journal of Libertarian Studies. Christopher Coyne and Peter Boettke, both professors of economics