Mark Packard: How to Put Time on Your Side
Entrepreneurial action occurs in time. This brings uncertainty, because of continuous change. We can’t know what will be our future result, yet we must produce now in order to discover it. Are there answers to this conundrum? Yes. They’re found
The Political Alchemy Called Modern Monetary Theory
The new kid on the economics block is something called modern monetary theory. The name is new, but the "theory" is not. Proponents adamantly claim that it is both new and a theory of economics. To make it appear this way, they
Sabyasachi X H&M
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—I took the one less travelled by,And that has made all the difference.
Misadventures in Fibrillation
Our guests are Thomas Wingert, a patient, Bogdan Enache, an electrophysiologist at Centre Hospitalier Princesse Grace in Monaco, and Saurabh Jha, an Associate Professor of Radiology at the Perelman School of Medicine and the University of Pennsylvania. SHOW NOTES Point/Counterpoint on Halting
Using the “Natural Interest Rate” In Setting Monetary Policy Is an Impossible Dream
"The ideas of economists and political philosophers, both when they are right and when they are wrong, are more powerful than is commonly understood. Indeed the world is ruled by little else. Practical men, who believe themselves to be quite
The Fed Is Helping Facilitate Trailer Park Evictions
The Federal Reserve is helping corporate real estate investors evict poor people from mobile home parks. NPR highlighted the growing number of mobile home part evictions. According to the report, real estate investors continue to buy up mobile home parks across the
The Upcoming Nykaa IPO
Nykaa (FSN E-Commerce Ventures Private Ltd.) is a cosmetics retailer that provides consumers with a content-driven and lifestyle retail experience. It offers a varied range of beauty, personal care, and fashion products, some of which are made by us. It
Critical Race Theory Is a Direct Attack on Market Freedom
Critical race theory (CRT) has become the cultural wedge issue of 2021. An important question is what will be CRT’s effect on the future of freedom. Because CRT assumes a finite economic pie and posits all economic interactions as zero-sum, the
Is the Sentinel of Northeast India turning into a misnomer?
Northeastern states of India have become synonymous with the word dispute. It is unfortunate but the harsh truth is that border disputes like these have become a part of people’s day-to-day lives. The recent Assam – Mizoram conflict has been
Haunting horrors of 1947
The year 2021 marks the 75th Independence Day of India. That is, indeed, a proud moment for us that we, as the responsible citizens of the country, have tried our best to preserve and protect the freedom that was earned