Inflation Is Killing the Recovery
Last week, Ned Davis Research published a note titled “Turns Out, Growth Looks like It Was Transitory—Inflation Is More Sticky.” There are many factors that show us that consumers and salaries are being eaten away by inflation, leading to an abrupt halt
The Loss in Afghanistan Is Only the Latest Chapter in a Long Story of Intervention
US interventions abroad in the postwar period have created nothing but problems, problems regularly made worse by later attempts to solve the problems created by those previous interventions. While one can find innumerable instances of these failures in South and
The Idea of a Private Law Society: The Case of Karl Ludwig von Haller
Libertarianism is logically consistent with almost any attitude toward culture, society, religion, or moral principle. In strict logic, libertarian political doctrine can be severed from all other considerations; logically one can be – and indeed most libertarians in fact are:
Sirisha Bandla- A Life
On June 7, 2021, when Jeff Bezos announced that he planned to be aboard the first crewed flight of Blue Origin – the first suborbital spaceflight funded privately – it set off what would be dubbed in popular media as
The Rise and Fall of the Japanese Miracle
In 1943, John Maynard Keynes claimed that central-bank credit expansion performs the "miracle of turning a stone into bread." In its attempt to revive itself after a long recession, the Japanese government and central bank have given the world its
Evergrande Isn’t China’s “Lehman Moment.” It Could Be Worse than That.
The bankruptcy of the Chinese real estate company Evergrande is much more than a “Chinese Lehman.” Lehman Brothers was much more diversified than Evergrande and better capitalized. In fact, the total assets of Evergrande that are on the brink of bankruptcy outnumber the entire
My Time with the FBI
From the early 1990s onward, I was exposing FBI crimes, lies, and cover-ups. FBI director Louis Freeh publicly denounced me after I wrote a Wall Street Journal piece on the FBI’s killing of an innocent mother holding her baby at
Vaccines – A green light to travel sector’s recovery
The countrywide vaccination drive rolled out on 16th January 2021 crossed an unprecedented mark of a total of 75 crore doses administered as of 13th September 2021. As India executed the world’s largest inoculation drive, in the initial phases it
Dr. Patrick Newman Introduces Rothbard’s History of Economic Thought
Just a few years prior to his death, Murray Rothbard started one of his most ambitious writing projects: a full-fledged, three volume history of economic thought from a uniquely Austrian perspective. Unfortunately he never wrote the third volume, intended to
A Global Fiat Currency: “One Ring to Rule Them All”
1. Human history can be viewed from many angles. One of them is to see it as a struggle for power and domination, as a struggle for freedom and against oppression, as a struggle of good against evil. That is how Karl