Carl Menger Explains the Nature of Goods
With the publication of his Principles of Economics in 1871, Carl Menger (1840–1921) laid the groundwork for the Austrian school. His contribution is famous beyond Austrian economics, because it was one of the fundamental works of the subjective value theory and
The Ideas Taught at Mises U Are the Greatest Threat to the Establishment
In 2020, for the first time, the Mises Institute had a video removed by YouTube. The video was a lecture by Tom Woods on "The Covid Cult," where he stated the noncontroversial opinion that virus-related lockdowns failed any public health
Will the Feds Try Price Controls to “Fix” Price Inflation?
As it began rapidly expanding the money supply early in 2020, the Fed confidently assured the public there would be no unanticipated or serious rise in inflation. Now that their projections have failed to materialize (in fact, their forecasts were
The current spike in oil prices, what are the reasons?
Oil and gas sector is among the eight core industries in India and plays a major role in influencing the decision making for all the other important sections of the economy.India’s economic growth is closely related to its energy demand,
The Problem of Security: Historicity of the State and “European Realism”
[The State] forbids private murder, but itself organizes murder on a colossal scale. It punishes private theft, but itself lays unscrupulous hands on anything it wants, whether the property of citizen or alien.—Albert Jay Nock, 1928, On Doing the Right
Review: Sohrab Ahmari’s New Attack on Laissez-Faire Liberalism
Sohrab Ahmari’s new book The Unbroken Thread: Discovering the Wisdom of Tradition in An Age of Chaos is so disappointing I don’t know where to begin. This may seem to be a harsh invective, but in reality, it is a
Joe Matarese Defines a Whole New Level of Customer Value to Build a High Growth Service Firm
Firms that can unlock the deep secrets of subjective value can unleash powerful, long-lasting value streams. When these flow in a confluence with well-identified market drivers, revenue and profit growth can be greatly accelerated. Joe Matarese tells Economics For Business how
The Fed Says It Stabilizes the Economy. I’m Skeptical.
Before, during, and after the 2007–09 financial crisis, the masthead of the Federal Reserve Board’s main webpage included the following assertion right below its name at the top of the page: The Federal Reserve, the central bank of the United States,
The Rise of Meesho
Meesho was founded by IIT Delhi graduates Vidit Aatrey and Sanjeev Barnwal in 2015. This social media commerce platform enables small businesses to sell online through various social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp. Meesho is now crowned as
The British Government Pushed back “Freedom Day” with No Explanation
During the pandemic, governments have gained in power at the expense of society. The many laws voted and decrees announced have severely limited individual freedoms in many countries, despite the fact that from the beginning many doubts existed regarding the