The Fiat Standard with Dr. Saifedean Ammous
Saifedean Ammous, famous for The Bitcoin Standard, has a remarkable new book detailing the effects of fiat money on virtually every aspect of society. In the tradition of Guido Hülsmann's The Ethics of Money Production, Ammous returns with The Fiat
Can the Dollar Survive Both Cryptocurrencies and China?
The outcome of today's currency race is uncertain. The credibility of the leading fiat currencies has suffered substantially. Their instability has fueled crises and weakened growth, so the demand for an alternative store of value is high. Original Article: "Can the
America’s First Housing Bubble and the Panic of 1819
From the Roaring Twenties to the "great moderation," America has always shown a flair for labeling things, and speculative manias are no exception. Historians remember the ignorant, blissfully happy times that preceded the Panic of 1819 by the same label
Political Economy and Political Philosophy Share a Source: Scarcity
Hans Hoppe’s famous “argumentation ethics” has generated a great deal of attention among libertarians, and deservedly so. Has Hoppe produced an ironclad demonstration that people have libertarian rights? I don’t propose to contribute to that discussion on this occasion. Rather,
Industrialization Is the Antidote to Global Poverty. Global Warming Activists Don’t Care.
Having long ago lost the argument that capitalism can't deliver a higher standard of living, the Left's current anti-capitalist strategy is to claim capitalism requires environmental destruction. Yet even if one were to assume carbon emissions are the driving factor behind
Two-Child Policy: An Insight and Implications
When the chief minister of Assam announced on 19th June 2021, that the two-child policy would be soon implemented in the state for availing certain benefits of government schemes, this policy again became debatable in the public forum. The law
What Is the Purpose of the Economy? Carl Menger Explains.
This second part of the series about the Principles of Economics treats Menger’s exposition of the economy. In continuation of the first part, which covered the general concept of goods, the part on the economy treats the role of economic goods in
Investors Are on the Lookout for a Crash. But Prices Keep Going Up.
An insider confided to a friend that all he is doing right now is transaction work for real estate holders who are selling now before the market crashes. His clients, members of Sin City’s illuminati, once bitten by the ‘08
The Black Swan: a Book Review
Nassim Nicholas Taleb (henceforth referred to as NNT) identifies ‘Black Swan’ as an event possessing the following three characteristics:-An outlier, an event that lies outside the realm of regular expectations.-An event that carries an extreme impact.-In spite of its status
Canadian Healthcare: A Half Century of Broken Promises
“People primordially fear illness and death, and physicians, from shaman to modern scientists, have always been perceived as holding a near-talismanic power over both. With the rise of modern wealth came the potential for enormous tax harvesting, and politicians were