Why the Regime’s Regulatory Power Is a Standing Threat to America
Whenever some foreign regime that is independent of the U.S. Empire goes after dissenters, U.S. officials trot out the First Amendment to show how different the United States is. Here, people are free to criticize government officials without fear of
Critical Race Theory and Our Weaponized Schools
Government schools have always been tools of the regime for teaching state-approved ideology and culture. The rise of critical race theory is just the latest phase for America's public schools system. Be sure to follow Radio Rothbard at Mises.org/RadioRothbard.
Wages, Prices, and the Demand for Money: Keynes Got It All Wrong
Markets clear. Or so was the accumulated wisdom in the half century before John Maynard Keynes. The British economist proposed a novel theory of economics in 1936 based on the opposite premise: markets don’t clear. While Keynesian theory is quite
The Fed Plans to Raise Interest Rates—Years from Now
On Wednesday, the Federal Reserve’s Federal Open Market Committee voted to continue with a target federal funds rate of 0.25 percent, and to continue with large-scale asset purchases. According to the committee’s press release: The Committee decided to keep the target
Capitalism Isn’t a Modern Invention. It’s Medieval.
During the eighteenth century, capitalism in Europe “took off” in a way it had not done before, and as a result the West surpassed all other areas of the world in economic growth. What led to this transformation? Max Weber
Rising Inflation: The New Normal?
Inflation, also listed as the number one ‘public enemy’ by President Gerald Ford in 1974, is basically a situation where everybody is so rich that nobody can afford anything. A common tool used to measure inflation is the Consumer Price
Mortgage Companies Cash in on Pandemic Relief
The nation’s billionaires are catching plenty of grief for profiting from the pandemic. All they are guilty of is providing services people wish to pay for. Nothing wrong with that. Then there are the mortgage companies. It turns out they
Biden Is Trying to Seize Control of Local Land-Use Regulations
In recent years, there’s been a push to move zoning decisions further from the local level. In 2019, Oregon passed House Bill 2001, making it the first statewide law to abolish single-family zoning in many areas. By expanding the state
The Value of Taking Risks
Curiosity and Its Twelve Rules for Liveby F. H. BuckleyEncounter Books, 2021xx + 228 pages Frank Buckley, a Canadian-born lawyer who teaches at the Scalia School of Law at George Mason University, has given us in this remarkable book a philosophy
Matt Asher Talks to Jeff Deist about the Reality of Post Covid America
Matt Asher is an investor, writer, and host of The Filter podcast. He has a background in journalism and statistics. Matt Asher: My guest today on The Filter is Jeff Deist. Jeff is president of the Mises Institute, where he serves