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June 2021

  /    /  June (Page 15)

The second wave hit almost everyone by surprise when the government had almost declared a victory over Covid in late February/March and people lowered their guards in following Covid appropriate behavior.The contagion started surging around late March in Mumbai, spreading

Cries of help from Lakshadweep have found their way to social media, but what is it all about? Why are the people of Lakshadweep unhappy? Before addressing this question, let me introduce you to the multitude of islands : Lakshadweep. Lakshadweep

The planned economy was all the rage in 1937, when Prentice-Hall published a 1,000- page tome on The Planned Society: Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow: A Symposium by Thirty-Five Economists, Sociologists, and Statesmen. The "question that confronts us today is not if