A Libertarian Approach to Disputed Land Titles
The recent spate of bombing violence in Israel's West Bank, East Jerusalem, and Gaza demonstrates the enduring attachment both Israelis and Palestinians have to physical land in the country. Both sides make claims—legal, moral, and political—to land within Israel, from
Covid Inside Rural India
The second wave hit almost everyone by surprise when the government had almost declared a victory over Covid in late February/March and people lowered their guards in following Covid appropriate behavior.The contagion started surging around late March in Mumbai, spreading
The Fed’s Policies since the 2020 Coronavirus Panic
[This article is part of the Understanding Money Mechanics series, by Robert P. Murphy. The series will be published as a book in 2021.] In chapter 7 we summarized some of the major changes in how central banks have operated since the 2008
Entrepreneurs Are Motivated by Profit, Not Risk
According to modern portfolio theory (MPT), financial asset prices fully reflect all available and relevant information, and any adjustment to new information is virtually instantaneous. For instance, if the central bank raises interest rates by 0.5 percent, and if market participants
There’s No Conflict Between Profit and “Social Responsibility”
The "People over Profits" mantra is once again is being heard in Washington. But this time we're hearing about it from business lobbyists themselves who are now parroting leftwing slogans about "social responsibility." Original Article: "There's No Conflict Between Profit and
The Abuse of Public Debt—and How It Sets the Stage for Economic Disaster
The 2020–21 recession has been devastating for the global economy. It has been ninety years since the global economy last suffered through a recession of this magnitude (in the Great Depression). Nonetheless, it seems that the social effects of the current recession have not
Trouble in Paradise
Cries of help from Lakshadweep have found their way to social media, but what is it all about? Why are the people of Lakshadweep unhappy? Before addressing this question, let me introduce you to the multitude of islands : Lakshadweep. Lakshadweep
Israel – Palestine Conflict: History and Latest Updates
The recent Israel – Palestine conflict can be traced back to a history of more than 100 years. Israel is recognized as a Jewish democratic country today. Its existence dates back to 14th May, 1948 when it was separated from
“What Did Bob Learn?” Part 2 of 3
In response to a listener request, Bob continues a 3-part series explaining areas where his views have changed. In this episode, he covers government debt and future generations, accuracy in polemical writing, the Fed being a private corporation, whether nice
Myths of the Mixed Economy
The planned economy was all the rage in 1937, when Prentice-Hall published a 1,000- page tome on The Planned Society: Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow: A Symposium by Thirty-Five Economists, Sociologists, and Statesmen. The "question that confronts us today is not if