Why “Wild Swings” In Crypto Prices are Not Really a Problem
Price "stability" has never been a feature of a free marketplace. Stability is an obsession of central banks, and the day may come when central bankers intervene to "stabilize" crypto prices. That will be a bad thing. Original Article: "Why "Wild
Why America’s Oligarchs Are Moving Left
These days it’s not your typical latte-sipping millennials who are going woke. Taking a stroll around America’s largest metro areas will have one believe social justice is the latest fad that’s sweeping across corporate boardrooms. Much has been written about
Cryptocurrency: Fad or Future?
“What is needed is an electronic payment system based on cryptographic proof instead of trust, allowing any two willing parties to transact directly with each other without the need for a trusted third party.” Satoshi Nakamoto, Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash
Board Examinations: India’s evaluation deliberation
‘Boards’: The word itself is enough to pique interest of people around you, be it friendly neighborhood uncle, the aunt who routinely calls just once a year, people who happen to eavesdrop on your conversation on the lift or your
The Ethics of Liberty with Ryan McMaken
Mises.org editor Ryan McMaken joins the show to tackle some of the toughest and most controversial chapters of Rothbard's groundbreaking treatise The Ethics of Liberty. McMaken and Jeff Deist cover abortion, the rights of children, defamation, and all the "what
Bitcoin’s El Salvador Option
Saturday last, the president of El Salvador, Nayib Bukele, shook the bitcoin world when he announced he would make bitcoin legal tender in his country. The hype after that was unbelievable, as the hodlers went into overdrive. There were some
Scott Sumner on Why the Bernanke Fed Was Too Tight
Scott Sumner is a monetary economist with the Mercatus Center. He famously argued in late 2008 that the Fed was too tight with monetary policy, and eventually he has convinced many economists of his views. In this episode he explains
Is the Subjectivist Theory of Value Ideological?
According to Marxists, the subjective theory of value is just bourgeois apologetics. By using the subjective theory, economists conceal the fact that the proletariat under capitalism is exploited. The labor theory of value shows that labor is the source of
Texas Says It Can Enforce Immigration Restrictions. Texas Is Right
Texas Governor Greg Abbot yesterday announced that the State will build its own borders wall, and will jail anyone "who enters our state illegally and is found trespassing, engaged in vandalism, criminal mischief, or smuggling," Moreover, Abbot announced plans to pursue
Much Ado about Nothing in the Art Market
Nothing will come of nothing. Shakespeare, King Lear If, as we are often told, the aim of art is to shock the bourgeoisie, then the contemporary art scene has become positively electric of late. In the most recent aesthetic outrage, a Sardinian