The Destructive Power of Keynesian Spending Plans
According to John Maynard Keynes, The ideas of economists and political philosophers, both when they are right and when they are wrong, are more powerful than is commonly understood. Indeed the world is ruled by little else. Practical men, who believe themselves
Gary Wolfram on the Minimum Wage and Other Misguided Policies
Gary Wolfram is an economics professor at Hillsdale College, who was both a teacher and colleague of Bob during his two stints at the school (first as a student then as a professor). They discuss Gary’s background as an economist
Into the World of Money
Money supply refers to the total stock of money that is being currently circulated in the economy and, it can include cash, money in the deposit account or any other form of liquid assets. Bank regulators control the money supply available
The Private Mint In Economics: Evidence from American Gold Rushes (CMFA Working Paper No. 003)
ThePrivateMintInEconomics_LawrenceHWhite_CMFAWP003 The post The Private Mint In Economics: Evidence from American Gold Rushes (CMFA Working Paper No. 003) appeared first on Alt-M.
A $15 Minimum Wage Would Be a Huge Blow to the Small Business Economy
Opening and running a business has never been easy, but this past year has been particularly challenging for the nation’s entrepreneurs—those who represent the “driving force” of our economy, as Ludwig von Mises once described them. Just months after the
Why Is Economic Journalism So Bad?
Niall Ferguson holds a PhD in philosophy from Oxford, taught history at Harvard and NYU, and wrote perhaps the definitive biography of Henry Kissinger. So, naturally, Bloomberg hired him to write on economics. His most recent column for Bloomberg is a strained
Economics vs. Politics
[This article is excerpted from chapter one of The Rise and Fall of Society.] It may be that wary beasts of the forest come around to accepting the hunter's trap as a necessary concomitant of foraging for food. At any rate,
With Victoria Nuland Nomination, Biden Signals a Return to Bush-Obama-Era Foreign Policy
Some things never change in American foreign policy. While there’s a lot of chatter about a “Great Reset” in terms of rebuilding society along technocratic lines in the wake of covid-19, US foreign policy appears to be going through its very own
Desmond Ng: Entrepreneurial Empowerment and the Austrian Approach to Value-Generating Organizational Design
Austrian economics offers a wide range of knowledge and applications for better business performance. One of them is the design of high-value organizations (see Austrians understand the function of entrepreneurial businesses in the economy is to pursue and generate new
Hoppe’s The Great Fiction, Expanded Second Edition—Now Available
Hans-Hermann Hoppe is a name to reckon with. He has for over forty years made outstanding contributions to Austrian economics, philosophy, history, and sociology, all from a Rothbardian perspective. Murray Rothbard was his great mentor and friend, and no one