Opposition Builds to the F-35 Program’s Runaway Costs
Earlier this month, House Armed Services Committee chairman Adam Smith (D-WA) said it’s time to "cut our losses" on the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter, and added, "I want to stop throwing money down that particular rathole." Smith has no problem with spending money
Yousif Almoayyed: Apply Economic Thinking To Better Manage Your Technology Projects
Does economic knowledge help you manage complex IT projects? Yousif Almoayyed thinks it does. He combines management knowledge with careful project management and principled economic thinking. Economic thinking utilizes foundational principles to integrate knowledge management and business task management for all
The Business of Bilateralism
Bilateralism is the practice of political, economic, or cultural association between two sovereign countries. It is distinct with unilateralism or multilateralism, which is activity by a single country or jointly by multiple country, respectively. When countries identify one another as
Victim-Centered Justice Throws Black Men under the Bus
Social justice warriors accuse the police of systemic racism. At the same time, they push revolutionary changes in police procedure that cement extreme bias into the very structure of law enforcement—a bias that will fall heavily upon black men. It
The Anti-imperialism of Mises
The death of Ludwig von Mises has brought forth numerous essays on his contribution to economics. It is equally in order to discuss his work in the historical sciences, as he called them. Having had the honor and pleasure of
Why Envy Can Destroy Economic Progress
Economists think that culture is a fuzzy concept. Yet as research demonstrates, culture provides insight into a country’s potential for growth. One cultural feature worth studying for its propensity to impede development is envy. Envy is described as a feeling of resentment
Cannabis in India: History and usage in Modern times
Cannabis in India has been known to be utilized since as early as 2000 BCE. In Indian society, common names for cannabis concoctions include ganja (flower), charas (resin), and bhang (seeds and leaves), with Indian drinks, such as bhang lassi andbhang thandai becoming one of the most common illicit usages. A
The Everything Bubble: How A Debt-Driven Economy Creates More Frequent Crises
The pace of global recoveries since 1975 has been slower and weaker, consistently every time, according to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). Recoveries take longer and happen slower. At the same time, periods of crisis are less
Taking Rites Seriously: Neither Theocracy nor Liberal Hegemony
The Lou Church Memorial Lecture, sponsored by the Lou Church Foundation. Recorded at the Mises Institute on March 20, 2021. Includes an introduction by Joseph T. Salerno. The Austrian Economics Research Conference is the international, interdisciplinary meeting of the Austrian School,
The Sinful State
Hardly anyone talks of the table of virtues and vices anymore — which includes the Seven Deadly Sins — but in reviewing them, we find that they nicely sum up the foundation of bourgeois ethics, and provide a solid moral