The Big Rajya Sabha Debate of 17th March 2021
Foreign Direct Investment is a type of investment which is made by a firm or company in one country into a business or company in another country. On 1st February 2021, in the first paperless Union Budget session since independence, the
Homicides Are Way Up in 2020, and Covid Lockdowns Are a Likely Cause
If we’re going to ask ourselves what might have caused such an unusually large rise in homicide, we ought to look for very unusual events. Covid lockdowns certainly fit the bill. Original Article: "Homicides Are Way Up in 2020, and Covid
Can Las Vegas Recover from Covid?
The Clark County Commissioners voted recently to rename McCarran Airport to Harry Reid International Airport. The vote was unanimous among those who rule the Las Vegas Strip. The public doesn’t understand why Las Vegas International Airport wouldn’t do if McCarran’s past
GDP Hides the Damage from the Covid-19 Lockdowns
Do not believe government pronouncements that the economy is rebounding from very minimal damage caused by unprecedented covid-19-inspired closures of businesses. Government will use its favorite statistic of the health of the economy to justify its actions—gross domestic product (GDP). GDP
Lockdowns Are More Economically Devastating Than Voluntary Social Distancing
Once again, several European countries have extended and tightened lockdowns, despite the continent having been under recurrent strict confinement measures since the beginning of the pandemic. The population watched in disbelief how new restrictions were added to the already heavily
Gun Laws and Decentralization: Lessons from “Constitutional Carry”
Few political movements can boast of success like the firearms movement in the United States. Often overlooked is how before the 1980s there was no concept of licensed, let alone unlicensed, concealed carry in the overwhelming majority of the country. The
Colonies Compared: Why British Colonies Were More Economically Successful
Last month, British black studies professor Kehinde Andrews argued that the British Empire was “far worse than the Nazis.” It was a controversial comparison to be sure, but it raises the question: Compared to other expansionist regimes, how bad was
Terminate NATO
The Washington Post has published a long piece calling for NATO to take on a new official enemy—China. The piece is written by Sara Bjerg Moller, an assistant professor in the School of Diplomacy and International Relations at Seton Hall University. She argues that
Daniel McCarthy on the Prospects for Fusionism
Daniel McCarthy joins the show to continue last week's discussion of the rapid breakdown of America's political order, with wokeism rising on the Left and Reaganism dying on the Right. McCarthy gives us his critique of the liberal technocratic order,
Decentralization Is a Step toward Self-Determination
For decades now, advocates for freedom and free markets have disagreed over whether or not political decentralization and local self-governance are important principles in themselves. Most recently, this debate flared up here at over the issue of state-level preemptions of