Economics In One Lesson Is Still the Best Layman’s Intro to Economics
A line in a recent National Post news story left me aghast: “Economists are nearly unanimous in their support for the $381-billion deficit Ottawa plans to run in 2021.” One of Canada’s more reasonable newspapers, founded by Conrad Black, published the outlandish notion
Is Money a Creation of Government?
By some theories such as the Modern Monetary Theory (MMT), money originated on account of the government decree. Money according to the MMT is what the State decides it is going to be. Following the ideas of the German economist, Georg
Taxation through a Rothbardian Lens
All students of economics will sooner or later be confronted with the standard neoclassical analysis of deadweight loss from taxation. The point of this analysis is not to clarify what the government's tax revenues should be used for, but rather
What Rothbard’s Defense of Religion Teaches Us about Resisting the Covid State
Murray Rothbard died more than a quarter century before the outbreak of the Covid mania and tyranny, but if he were alive today, he wouldn’t be surprised to see the most common resistance at an institutional level comes from churches. Last
Is India a Socialist State?
India gained its freedom back in 1947. At the time this article is being written that is 75 years of freedom. How did we cope in terms of economic structures? Let us traceback. At the time when India gained Independence, countries
When I Toured East Berlin with Murray Rothbard
The year 1982 was life changing for me. It also was the year that I met Murray Rothbard and toured what then was East Berlin with him and his wife—and a host of others. And thanks to Rothbard and others
The EU’s Woes Are a Political Problem, Not an Economic One
The European Union, at least in theory, is designed to allow residents to avail themselves of what are traditionally known as the “Four Fundamental Freedoms.” These are usually defined as the freedom of movement of goods, labor, services, and capital within
What We’ve Learned from Israel’s Covid Vaccine Program
The New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) recently reported the results of a large-scale nationwide trial in Israel of the Pfizer covid vaccine, BNT162b2. The study concludes that the vaccine has high effectiveness against covid. The NEJM has a reputation
How I Discovered Murray Rothbard
It was 1995, and I was a young scholar, an assistant professor of history of political thought at Roma Tre University. My professor encouraged me to study the American feminist movement of the nineteenth century. As young scholars usually do,
The True Cost of Taxation Is Much Higher Than Your Tax Bill
Taxes have a long reign near the top of discussion topics. But it can be striking how much nonsense and confusion is both advanced and accepted about taxation. A good way to understand some of the basics of taxation better is