Rothbard Explains How to Recover from an Economic Crisis
Confronted with a severely weakened economy as the consequence of the policy-ordered lockdowns, governments now get ready to apply another severe blow to the economy. The favorite means is more deficit spending. In the United States, President Biden announced a
Daniel Lacalle on Freedom or Equality
Our great friend Daniel Lacalle joins the show from Madrid to discuss the post-Covid economy from the framework of his newest book, Freedom or Equality. Real human cooperation happens via markets and property, not government or central bank edicts. Socially
The infamous: Kerala gold smuggling case
Source: News India Express Gold is every women’s dream but what happens when she chooses to smuggle it across countries and gets caught! What is this big smuggling case? A charge sheet was filed last month by the National Investigation Agency
A Primer on Progressive Thinking
For all of the campaign and inauguration talk about “unity” and moderation, President Joe Biden is governing like a progressive on all fronts, from cultural issues to the armed forces to the economy. Biden’s unprecedented thirty-two executive orders his first
Rothbard Roundtable
For Rothbard week, we asked some of our writers and scholars to talk about why Rothbard is worth remembering. Here's what they had to say. Gary Galles March 2 marks the birth of Murray Rothbard. Given his importance to the cause of liberty,
Money-Supply Growth Hits a New All-Time High in January
In January, money supply growth hit a new all-time high, rising slightly above September 2020's previous high, and remaining well above growth levels that one year ago would have been considered unthinkable. January's surge in money-supply growth makes January the tenth month in a row of remarkably high
Rothbard Week: 5 Great Things About Murray
Ryan McMaken and Tho Bishop discuss five reasons why Rothbard's work is so memorable. From his fearlessness in the face of opposition, to his commitment to peace and decency, Rothbard provides us with a model of principled scholarship. Additional Resources "Nations by
Fighting Totalitarianism: Rothbard versus Monasticism
I have been quite explicit that what we are now dealing with under the covid response, woke ideology, cancel culture, Big Tech censorship, nonstop media propaganda and gaslighting, an armed and barricaded capitol, a Democratic-controlled government set on giving away
Public Schools Refuse to Open. Give the Taxpayers Their Money Back
In many school districts across the nation, public school teachers still don’t want to go back to work. Private sector workers have long been hard at work in kitchens, at construction sites, and in hardware and grocery stores. Meanwhile, from Seattle,
Playing Games with Stocks
The GameStop saga—can we call it an insurrection?—wants easy heroes and villains. Both are available. The populist version of the story goes like this: a few thousand angry gamers, colluding via the now infamous WallStreetBets subreddit, brought at least one powerful