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March 2021

  /    /  March (Page 13)

In a display of unconvincing enthusiasm, NBC reported today that payroll employment “surged” in February. Specifically, total nonfarm payrolls (seasonally adjusted) grew 379,000, month-over-month which was above the expected increase of 210,000. That might sound great to some, but a closer

Benedict XVI: A LifeBy Peter SeewaldVolume 1: Youth in Nazi Germany to the Second Vatican Council 1927–19651Published in English by Bloomsbury Continuum, London, 2020Translated by Dinah Livingstone Peter Seewald has recently published an extensive biography of Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI, and

Leo Strauss is one of the most influential political philosophers of the twentieth century, and like him or not, we need to understand his ideas. Murray Rothbard, by the way, had a mixed verdict on Strauss. He says, for example, [H]is