One Year Later: The Police Still Won’t Come Clean on Duncan Lemp’s Death
At 4:42 a.m. on this day a year ago [Friday, March 12], a Montgomery County SWAT team arrived outside of the bedroom where 21-year-old Duncan Lemp slept next to his pregnant girlfriend in his parents’ house in Potomac, Maryland. While
The Perseverance Rover and the possibility of Life on Mars
The Red Planet Mars has always been an enigma for many intellectuals, academicians and also laymen in general. There are many scientific reasons for going to Mars which can be condensed as the following, i) the search for life, ii)
The Truth about Sherman’s “Antitrust” Act
[This article originally appeared in the Austrian Economics Newsletter, Summer 1991, pp. 1–6. You read can also read it in PDF.] Today regulation is generally recognized as a mechanism by which special interests lobby the government to create barriers to entry
Why the State Won’t Tolerate Christianity’s Moral Code
On February 25, the House of Representatives passed the Equality Act, a bill that is touted as a step forward for civil rights in the United States. If enacted, the bill would add sexual orientation and gender identity to the
What Really Happened With the Texas Power Grid
Since the deep freeze in February caused millions of Texas homes to lose their power, partisans have been fighting over the blame. The governor blamed wind turbines and the green agenda, whereas Paul Krugman said the fault was with natural
This Is What the Progressives Want To Do to Us
Think of Minneapolis and Portland and then apply that model nationwide. Then you have an idea where progressive radicals want to take us. Original Article: "This Is What the Progressives Want To Do to Us" This Audio Mises Wire is generously sponsored
It’s Time for the US to Withdraw from Korea
America’s military footprint abroad is unmatched in human history. With more than eight hundred military bases in over seventy countries across the globe, the US is in an ideal position to carry out all sorts of imperial adventures, though the emerging
Emerging Economies: A Debt Crisis
“Why would anyone investing in stock markets fear to invest money in a company which is debt ridden? Simply for the fact that when the next crisis comes, that company might be wiped out. Similarly, for countries, for international investors,
Why a Green New Deal Is More Expensive Than Joe Biden Realizes
One of President Biden’s first executive actions was to declare January 27 “Climate Day.” This ad hoc holiday provided an opportunity for his administration to celebrate the latest rationale for economic central planning. The day’s festivities began with three executive orders
A Libertarian’s Case For Lockdowns, with Chris Snowdon
Our guest is Christopher Snowdon, a freelance journalist with a focus on the intrusion of public health into the daily lives of ordinary people. He is the author of many books, including Velvet Glove; Iron Fist, A History of Anti-smoking,